If you want to create several articles in your production, you can do this CSV
import instead of creating each product manually, which is time-consuming.

First you should get all necessary article master data from your supplier or
manufacturer to maintain all data properly. Most suppliers have neatly maintained
lists of their assortment. From it almost all can information necessary for us
to be copied.

The most important thing is the clean data maintenance – EAN codes are extremely
important for the Scan at “goods in” and the exact product assignment. But also
article weights play a role at the shipping station.

You can either download the sample import file from the backend or create your
own with the following columns: 


handle “handle” includes the individual article variants in the
system to one main article.Existing Handles
and therefore articles can be overwritten.
(This function is disabled by default, can be
but activate it in the import window.) To add variants
the same handle must be used.
name name of article
description description
manufacturer_number   manufacturer number
manufacturer manufacturer
brand brand
color color
size size
code EAN, Gtin, UPC, (….)
weight Weight (unit results from the selected unit for system installation)
country_of_origin Country of origin, official two-letter country code
hs_tariff_code tariff number
cost_price Purchase price (Please fill without currency symbol)
price Selling price (Please fill without currency symbol)
tax_rate Tax rate (Please enter without percentage sign)
image_front_url Picture path / url for front view / not necessarily to be
filled. Images can also be uploaded manually after import.
image_back_url Picture path / url for back view / not necessarily to be
filled. Images can also be uploaded manually after import.
image_left_url Picture path / url for left view / not necessarily to be
filled.Images can also be uploaded manually after import.
image_right_url Picture path / url for front view / not necessarily to be
filled.Images can also be uploaded manually after import.
pubilshed active or not active / use “yes” or “no”
locale specifies the language in which you want to import.
for example: de -> german, en -> english
is_master Determines the basic variant of the article / with which
the article is displayed first in the overview. Input with
“yes” or “no”.if no variant contains a “yes” so determined
the system randomly creates a base variant.
external identifier External, unique identifier. Not mandatory. Frequently used
for linking to other systems.

Even if not all columns are filled, the column header must be specified in
of the import file. Otherwise, the system uses the import list and outputs
a corresponding error.

If everything is carefully filled in, the table is called “CSV (separator-separated)”.
is saved.

In the client administration, we click on products and then top right click
on the “Import” button. Afterwards a mask will open where I can Select import
file or drag & drop to import.

Once the import is complete, you receive a mail from the system with the
information How many articles could be imported successfully. If some articles
have not been imported, you can get the list names “failed entries” from
the Open e-mail_attachment and find out why the variants did not import successfully
have been.